Paige is one of our most recent additions to the revolution. She's a senior at West Stanly High School, just down the road.
Her pictures are currently up for your vote in our Facebook Group. Go check it out!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Facebook Face-off Winner
Congratulations Haley! Her picture narrowly received the most votes, winning her a $15 iTunes gift card.
Dawn Vanderburg, the randomly chosen voter from Meredith College wins one too - just for voting!
Swing by the Facebook Group to place your vote on the next contestants for your chance to win.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Facebook Face-off
Every two weeks, we post new pictures in our Facebook group for people to vote on. The client with the winning picture wins a $15 iTunes gift card as does one randomly chosen voter.
This time around we had our first ever TIE! So we're bringing it before the blog readers to decide. Voting will continue through the weekend and we'll see who wins Monday morning.
Which of these images is your favorite? Vote by leaving a comment (click "comments" below the post). You could be listening to some sweet Lionel Richie songs Monday evening.
Monday, October 20, 2008
2010 Ambassador Search
Attention class of 2010.
At little PHOTOGRAPHY, we don't see high school seniors entering our studio. We see explorers, artists, scholars, revolutionaries - incredible young men and women of an emerging generation that will change the world.
That's why you need revolutionary senior portraits, not lame tilt-your-head-and-smile school portraits.
Yet many of your peers will settle for generic senior pictures. We're here to put a stop to it. To revolutionize senior portraiture.
This is where you come in. Our official 2010 Ambassador search in underway.
Ambassadors lead the way. They represent LP in their schools. They spread the word. And we take good care of them in return.
If you're ready to join a team of extraordinary high school seniors from all across the Charlotte area on the front lines of the revolution, shoot us an email:
We'll give you the 411 and a link to the application.
In the mean time, REVOLT!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Chantal, one of our most recent revolutionaries, was born in California. She has lived in Italy, England, and Virginia before moving to NC.
She wants to be a teacher, though she's not sure of what yet. She also loves horses and can do awesome riding tricks.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Smith Brothers
Axel came in for his senior session a couple of weeks ago; then he came back with his brother, Josh. Their mom wanted something different. Something beyond your typical studio session because that just wouldn't fit their personalities.
So we made it happen.
Not sure Josh expected to be climbing down into a creek surrounded by bamboo during their session.
Leave a comment below to let us know what you think of their pictures.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friend Day Fever: Catch It
Just a reminder: Friend Day is coming up on November 4.
Call 704.888.2881 to schedule your session.
Some reasons why you don't want to miss this:
- you'll get professional pictures of you with all your friends
- it's only $40 for up to four people (that's roughly $10 per person if our arithmetic is correct)
- you can Wii while you wait for your session
- everybody else is doing it
- you'll have pictures to prove that you have friends if others don't believe you
- you'll get a free digital image of you and your friends to use on your Myspace, Facebook, or where ever else you want to
- you'll get a chance to hang out with the LP crew
- you can order pictures from your mini session from home on your computer
- if you're a senior at West Stanly, we can use these to design custom yearbook pages for you
- it's a chance for underclassmen to join the Revolution
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sarah Robb | Facebook Winner
Sarah's picture with her green shoes won by a landslide in the Facebook Group.
Here's what some people had to say:
Kelsey: "i love this one!"
Brooke: "ok i LOVE LOVE LOVE this one."
Kristin: "so fun!"
Helen: "I love how it's a picture of her, but still the main focus is on her shoes."
Taylor: "Favorite!"
There are new pictures up for you to vote on in the group right now. To vote, find the 'Photos' section, click on your favorite one, and leave a comment letting us know why you picked it.
Easy, breezy beautiful, Facebook voting.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Yearbook Pages
Seniors, we think you're pretty awesome and your senior yearbook page should reflect that awesomeness.
We'll design a custom yearbook page for you using your LP senior portraits.
Here's one from last year:
You can make a great senior page with shots from Friend Day too.
Here's how the pricing works:
A page with your LP senior pictures and maybe some pictures of you as a little one and any text you'd like to include: $150.
A page with your LP senior pictures and maybe some pictures of you as a little one, any text you'd like to include AND our name somewhere on the design (like Cody's): $75.
Let us have free reign of you senior page: $0. This means you entrust the total design concept to us. We're only doing five of these this year, so you'll have to act fast.
Give us a call (704.888.2881) or shoot us an email ( for more info.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Mystery Man Revealed: Axel Smith
That's right ladies and gentleman. Axel Smith, from West Stanly.
You may have seen him at the shop in Stanfield, just before the railroad tracks. Or possibly at Advanced Auto in Locust.
He's all about working on cars and has an awesome Honda Civic Si and VW bus.
His on-location session was probably the most eventful we've ever had. We were stalked by a stray cat for the first part of the session in Stanfield. We got to hear a dump truck mating call in downtown Concord. Someone asked us for a hot sandwich. We met Carl Weathers. It was amazing.
Guys, we know you're not into getting your picture taken; but give us a call. We'll make you look awesome.