Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hey Strangers

Sorry for the blog silence. We've been crazy busy here at the studio wrapping up loose ends and trying to prepare for senior season. Which is coming up, my friends. Get ready for some changes. Changes we know you'll love. Because they're awesome. Like we're capable of anything less ; )

That being said, to fill the awkward silence, we thought it necessary to share with you a recent project. As most of you know, we have created yearbook ads for several of our Revolutionaries. So here is one of them. Our very own, Axel Smith. In all his glory.

It's time to start scheduling those senior sessions ladies and gentlemen. Call 704.888.2881 to book a time that works for you.

Until another day... Be Awesome.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just Letting You Know...

Hi All.

We wanted to let you know that the studio will be closed this Saturday, February 14th. The LP staff will be on a shoot in Indian Trail. But no worries, hours will be back to normal on Monday. Thanks and have an awesome Valentine's Day!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Facebook Winner

Good Golly Miss Molly, you've done it again! The winning image:

What a few voters had to say:
Amanda- "Awesome pic! My favorite!
Tristan- "Best of the best."
Elisa- "This is by far the best pic, it's so colorful and full of life."

For the second time, Molly's photo has impressed the voters. And once again, she'll be getting an iTunes gift card. As well as our random voter, Crystal Genes.

You could win one too. Just head on over to the LP Facebook Group and vote for your favorite image. We have two Mt. Pleasant Tigers going head-to-head right now. Trust me, you don't want to miss it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2008 Roll Call

Just wanted to do a quick roll call for all the folks of 2008 that we weren't able to blog. Sorry for the delay. It's like I always say, better late than never, right?

Meet Michelle. She's a senior at West Stanly. Michelle is a huge UNC fan and a good friend of our WSHS Ambassador, Emily Talley.

Kyle, a fellow Colt, is a big fan of the Greenbay Packers and enjoys playing golf and hunting.

This is Jordan. She attends Stanly Community College. She's into hip-hop and ballroom dancing.

Justin is a senior at Weddington. In his free time, you can find him wakeboarding and snowboarding. Basically, anything with a board.

Lindsay is yet another senior at West Stanly. She works, goes to school, and loves the NC classic, Cherry Lemon Sundrop.

Logan attends Lancaster High. He's interested in video production and plays both tennis and basketball.

We had a blast with ALL of our 2008 Revolutionaries. We're really looking forward to the Senior season of 2009. Give us a call at 704.888.2881 to schedule your session today! We promise it'll be awesome. And you'll look awesome. Because you are awesome (We think).