We couldn't be more excited about introducing you to the Hype Team member we snagged from Cannon. Her name is Hunter. And she is the bomb diggity. No doubt.
As you can see, she did an awesome job. Letting Aaron and I boss her around and all... You were such a good sport, Hunter!
She is a great addition to the Hype Team for so many reasons. Not only is she amazing in front of the camera, but she's also pretty incredible behind it. She is both the photographer for the Concord Youth Council and her school's newspaper.
Hunter is an avid traveler and would one day like to become fluent in Spanish. She loves Toblerones and the Steve Miller Band.
Hunter once sang N*Sync karaoke on a cruise ship in Croatia. Obviously, She's our kind of girl. She fits right in along with Aaron's crazy antics and my extreme randomness. We had such a blast on her shoot. We've got big plans for Hunter here at the studio. Expect more even awesomer (Yes, that's a word!) pictures soon.
Isn't she beautiful, folks? She reminds me of a younger version of the lovely Jenny Lewis... Fun and unique. The perfect combination.
Hunter rocked our faces off. And she'll do the same to you if you're not careful!
If you would still like to become a part of the hippest team in town, it's not too late. As long as you're graduating in 2010, you're qualified. Just fill out this questionnaire and send it our way. We'll take care of the rest.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hype Hunter
Friday, March 27, 2009
Hello Cyber Buddies. Long time no Blog.
How is everyone? Doing good? Frustrated with the weather like we are here at the studio? Seriously, it would be nice if it would go ahead and make up its mind already. I'm done guessing. Who's with me?!
Sorry for the rant. Moving along...
So while the weather hasn't been the best, Aaron and I decided to take advantage of the fog that has decided to visit so regularly. If you can't beat it, join it, right? So yesterday we set off with an old wooden chair, a couple of suitcases, a super large picture frame and a pair of pink rain boots with green polka dots. Why? To scout for a few brand new locations of course!
Check out what we found:
Oh, and by the way. The girl in the picture. Yep, that's me. Haley. I've been here for almost a year now and this is my first intro to the LP scene. Such a shame. But you won't see me complaining. I'm not the biggest fan of having my picture taken. I'm not what you would call, photogenic. Ironic isn't it.
I know exactly what you're thinking. The ratios of these pictures are incredible! You like panoramic views? So do we. Which is why we offer prints in strange and unique sizes. Not just your everyday 4x6. Yep, we do it up big here at LP.
... So, as you can see, the above images are a testament to the awesome photography skills of the oh-so-lovely Aaron. If he can make me look good, TRUST ME, he can make you look good. Which is why you need to call and book your senior session today. 704.888.2881. Seriously. Call. It'll be the best decision you ever make. Plus! You get to hang with us. I promise I'm much less melancholy in person : )
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Calling All Photographers!!
OK, here’s the deal. You guys have plugged into the LP Facebook Group and viewed pictures that we’ve taken here at the studio for weeks and weeks (thank you for that by the way). But now it’s your turn. We want to see YOUR photos. So here’s what we were thinking. This next contest is going to be all about you.
We need you to submit your favorite photos. Ones that you camera pros have taken yourselves. The subject matter is up to you. But friends, keep it clean! Questionable photos will not be entered. Sorry!
Then, we’ll post them to the group page and let your fellow members vote on their favorite. Same rules apply. The image with the most votes, wins. The photographer with the winning image will receive an awesome iTunes gift card and another randomly chosen voter will win the same.
If you have an image you’d like to submit, just email it to haley@littlephotography.net. We’ll accept entries starting now until Friday, April 3rd. We’ll post them the following week and the rest is up to you guys! (You can find all of this information up on the FB group page as well).
Here's your chance to show the world what you've got...
Ready. Set. Go!
Emily Haupert | Facebook Winner
Here she is, folks... Miss Emily. She snagged the winning votes with this very image:
Both Emily and our randomly selected voter, Katarina, will be receiving $10 iTunes gift cards. If they can win, so can you. Just drop by the LP Facebook group and participate in our polls and contests. They're fun AND you win free stuff. It doesn't get much better than that.
So, if you want awesome senior pictures like Emily. And think it sounds fun to sit in a lawn chair in the middle of the road, call and schedule your own shoot with us today. As you can see, we have a blast. 704.888.2881. It's time!