Thursday, November 15, 2007

Introducing the little PHOTOGRAPHY Gift Card

The holiday shopping season is ramping up. You'll soon be muscling your way through the mall crowds, sifting through piles of ransacked clothes, praying to find something that looks about right. Hoping to come up with a gift that says "I love you and I hope this Christmas is better than any Christmas you've ever had."

Maybe a sweater? Some slippers? A manicure set?

The little PHOTOGRAPHY Gift Card is your chance to give a gift that means something and will be cherished for life. If you know anyone with family milestones coming up, this is the perfect gift idea.

It comes in five amounts (250, 125, 75, 50, and 25). Give a 250 Gift Card as a generous gift to the mother on your Christmas gift list and stick 25 Gift Cards in family stockings.

Be unique this year. Give your loved-ones something fresh and different. Give the little PHOTOGRAPHY Gift Card.

It's perfect!

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